Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I’m reveling in the verse that echoes in my heart this morning:
“He has taken me to the banquet hall,
and his banner over me is love.” Song of Solomon 4:2

His banner over me is love.

I began digging through Scripture for more on the significance of a “banner.” Banners identified families (Num 2:2); they indicated who you were and to whose lineage you belonged. They were used in praise to God (Psalm 20). After God helped the Israelites win a battle, Moses built an alter—a place of sacrafice and recognition—and called it “The Lord is My Banner” (Ex 17:15). And the prophet Isaiah wrote about a banner that would be lifted and united all of God’s people scattered to the four corners of the earth (chapter 11).

So, when I read, “His banner over me is love” in the Song of Solomon, I think about the story from that book and in it the little dark-skinned tan-from-working-the-fields girl who labored endlessly in the vineyards and whom, of her own accord, was not much to be heralded by earthly standards. (—She certainly had no royal banner to stand under or identify with!) I think about the rich young royal who saw her, who fell in love her with her, and who, instead of scorning her for her calluses and scars, loved her for her work, dedication and ingenuity. I think about him not disregarding her for her lowly status, but instead calling her his beloved and bringing her to his banqueting table where he was able to provide for her all that she needed and more…all he wanted was her love in return.
I think about him as a gentleman, not taking but waiting and asking and wanting chosen acceptance…freely offered and freely given.

…I think about my Savior, my Messiah, my Redeemer and the Lover of my soul. I think about Christ, and how He saw me—lowly and unworthy by birth—and how He fell in love with me and desired me despite what was seen on the outside.

He has brought me to His banqueting table; His banner over me is love.

At His table, Jehovah Jireh provides for me all that I need and more. It is up to me to show up and feast. Christ’s love covers me and stands as an alter to what He has done for me as my Redeemer, Champion and Friend. Messiah’s love goes before us into battle; it is by His sacrifice of love we are able to be victorious warriors in the army of the King of kings.

So, if His banner over me is love—if He has covered me and claimed me as His own and provided all that I need—how am I going to let that affect my life today?

Are you covered by the banner of His love? If you’re not sure, e-mail me…let’s get sure together. If you know you’re covered, how will it affect you today? What battle is He going before you into? Will you stand under His banner, or will you walk into battle on your own?

It doesn’t make sense that the Royal King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Messiah would love a woman of lowly birth like me, but I am sure glad He does.

Addicted to His glory,

♥ Rebecca